Ghost Night Camers... If you wanted to go ghost hunting a wireless night cam may help

techno nutters and loons


Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Amazing UFO Footage! Captured on my home security camera in Southeast MI - Oct 2, 2013

Amazing UFO footage that I captured on my home security camera on the night of Oct 2, 2013 around 11pm in the evening in my front yard in Southeast MI, and I'm about 8 miles? north of an air national guard base...wondering if they caught this on their radar?

The UFO appears to be scanning the ground with a green laser (the laser beam can be seen on the trees too). The laser beam clearly starts small from the object and fans out into a larger cone as it gets closer to the ground. In my opinion, impossible for someone to be on the ground creating an inverted cone back to the object, and then to be able to track and follow the object's every move at the same time.

This recording is from one of my multiple security cameras that is currently installed on the front of my house. This particular camera is pointing south towards the road (my house is set back about 300ft from the road). The security camera only runs at 15 frame per second.

Also, someone asked why I had my home security camera pointed up into the sky before the incident. Since there's been a lot ton of fireballs reported all over the world in the last 3 weeks, I thought I might be able to catch one on video, but I never expected to capture this!

Here's a picture of the threeline during the daytime

Object appears at:
0:37 - 0:55 (light from the object refracting from lense on security cam).
0:54 (laser)
4:40 (laser)
5:48 -
5:54, the UFO was so bright that it lit up a few trees for a moment before shooting back up into the sky, and in my opinion, impossible to recreate using CGI.


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